Sunday, February 5, 2012

Let's Talk About This...

This is exactly why the World Series doesn't have a half time.

This is precisely why Baseball in general doesn't have a half time.

This is also, most importantly, why the Super Bowl should absolutely get rid of their half time.

At least the show portion.

How long do UFC fights take? Replace it with that. Most don't take more than a half hour. Everyone wins.

Here's the problem:
Ever since Justin Timberlake tore an irrelevant Janet Jackson's top off, it seems like the NFL has been scurred (street for scared) to book anyone who wasn't famous later than the 80's. Bruce Springsteen? Tom Petty? The Stones? Madonna? (I realize the Black Eyed Peas performed last year but that was the exception, certainly not the rule)

Watching Madonna hobble around the stage while lip-sinking "Vogue" was entertaining...sure. But for all the wrong reasons. The headliner at the "Super Bowl" shouldn't need their back-up dancers help them not fall over. And everyone watching shouldn't have to call their parents for insight into when and why the entertainer was last relevant.

If you insist on sticking with the musical performance rather than employing the services of the Ultimate Fighting Championship I suggest one rule:
The performer(s) must have a top 50 hit in the last year.

That shouldn't be too difficult. Supposedly the Super Bowl's a pretty big deal.

Final Thought -
How random was it that at the end of Madonna's "performance" the words "World Peace" appeared lit up on the field. Good advice. I'm just not sure of the connection. And hell, if connection isn't important, why not have other random helpful tips pop up during the concert.

I love the idea of having "Don't Drink Milk After You Brush Your Teeth." in big bright lights scrolling across the field.
That would make just as much sense.


  1. Thank you. Just watched this, it was awful. So thank you for saying everything I wanted to say, but more articulately.

  2. The only year I watched the entire Super Bowl/Halftime Show is when Seahawks were in it.

    This year, my facebook feed was all I needed to get the idea: Giants won, Madonna lip synced, MIA flipped off the camera, it sucked.

  3. I've been wondering this about the Superbowl, too. What do they have against artists relevant at least in the last DECADE?
