Monday, March 5, 2012

The Envelope Please...

It's a virtual envelope in this case.

And virtual awards - blogging awards for the previously mentioned class I'm enrolled in. And as they are virtual awards they can be as glamorous or impractical as I deem necessary.

First up, presented in my imagination by the cast of the 'Jersey Shore' we have the award for the 'Most Interactive Blog'. The cast, confused by the meaning of this award decides to give it to Alison for her work on her blog 'I Dream in Milligrams' - mentioned on this blog before. Alison's unique topic as well as interesting take on it has lent itself to receiving this high praise - in this case a large aquarium filled with 5 poisonous but beautiful fish. She accepts willingly though her speech runs embarrassingly long and as such she is willed off stage rudely by the chorus of Run DMC's 'Walk this Way'.

Next, we have the award for the 'Most Improved Blog' presented by Macaulay Culkin as he appears the polar opposite of what the award represents. Jack will receive this award - a gently used Lincoln town car, as an ode to his numerous attempts to master the blogosphere. My count has him creating 4 different blogs this quarter, each full to the brim with inherent 'Jackness'. His creativity and ability to adapt and change along with his interests have gifted him the unique opportunity to meet a childhood hero.

The best 'Hobby/Specific Interest Blog' is being handed out by Wally Szczerbiak due to his innate specificity. Understandably the winner, Geoff, would be overcome with joy to know that his award is a lifetime supply of Boston Lager presented to him by Mr. Szczerbiak though wouldn't be sure whether to take the award as a compliment or critique as his blog 'Brewing Noob' had him wowing the internet with the do's and don'ts of home beer making.

                                                     (A Picture to Break up the Text)

Best 'Design/Visuals' award is presented to Maddie by the entire cast of 'Happy Days' for the design of her blog 'anatagazm: the body gets the mind all hot'. Her stunning use of visuals throughout her entries can only redundantly be described as stunning. The pictures used play an integral role in her message and the way in which they are displayed could additionally and comically be labeled as stunning. Maddie has likely never watched 'Happy Days' as it was before her time but her confusion quickly turns to elation when she realizes that her award is the entire wardrobe Queen Amidala wore in Star Wars Episode 1 'The Phantom Menace'.

The 'Most Likely to Succeed' award for the evening will and would be handed out by Angelina Jolie dressed as Laura Croft. Jolie will be handing the award (an exact replica of the Declaration of Independence written in Klingon) to Brenda (the courses instructor) for her blog 'Spa of the Mind' as her occupation and presumed continuation of the course would supply her with the necessary drive to continue blogging. Brenda's relaxed approach and the 'spa-like' atmosphere she has created on the internet are only missing a literal hot stone massage.

'Best Personal Blog' - this fictitious award show's final category should and would be won by one Kyle for his difficult to spell 'Ursus Interruptus'. The award would be the precisely weighed 27 pound gummy bear he recently described in his own post and would likely be as sweet as this victory. While I needn't justify my choice to anyone, I twill as an sign of my humbleness (?). I chose Kyle's blog because for one reason or another, when I find myself perusing the classes entries, I frequent his site the most. Finding the joyful messiness of the unrelated topics a perfect indication of why blogging exists. It exists for the self. It would appear that Kyle blogs for him, not for the majority and as such I have awarded him this completely non exsitant award.

Congratulations to Kyle, and all the winners. I know this was totally unexpected and will likely change the way you think about things - namely the important things. But in times of great success one can't forget where they come from. Don't forget that - or basic mathematics, that would be embarrassing at your age.

Final Thought -
 My goodness this post is too long. It felt forced, and I don't enjoy that feeling. Perhaps we all need a little reminder of why the internet exists in the first place. That was quite a bit of reading after all. Why not listen to some refreshing local rap? Always cheers me right up.

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