Friday, January 27, 2012

This One's For My Homies...

Baseball's a team game - that's the transition I'm going to use for this.

Let's just take a second and look at some other blogs from members of my 455 class, my team if you will (see what I did there?)
 (and not because we have to, but because we get to damnit!)

                                                                                                    After All...

I've selected four, for various reasons and in no particular order, so in order to keep things organized, we're gonna go list form in this piece:

Ursus Interruptus is a journey into a little bit of everything. If nothing else one will learn something - case in point - myself. I had no idea that people prepared Quaker Oatmeal inside of it's structurally unstable pouch until reading the above post. Kyle, on a personal note, you have blown my mind and forever changed the way I will use my microwave.

The Bloggasaur appears at first glance to about that black smog that takes over Fern Gully, turns out it's not. But what it is about may just be better. The Bloggasaur tells us everything we might ever need to know about Pokemon. Enough said.

Any blog that mentions "Even Stephens" and "Smart Guy" is ok in my book. (While I don't have a book yet it should be noted that on a list entitled "Unlikely Things for Me to Accomplish", writing a book would be below, assuming #1 was the least likely, hundreds of things such as, but not limited to, punching a shark and going into space. So there's a chance.) Embarrassment be damned. Nostalgia more than welcome is the calling card of this blog.
Was there any moment more moving than the show when Lizzy McGuire realized she needed her first bra? I think we all remember where we were when that went down.

Why Write? A question that I assume began plaguing mankind instantly upon arrival of the ability. I'm not sure anyone has ever come up with a definitive answer though in the above blog you will get one man's insightful and entertaining attempt to at least answer the question on a personal level. Whatever the reason, I think it's important to consider what a Kennedy might ask: which isn't so much why we write...but why not?

Final Thought -
Given the wide array of information I just put out into the universe, it only seems fitting, as an ode to all the blogs out there...

                                                         though they're not "breaking my heart into a million pieces."

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